5 Reasons Why Private Basketball Training Works

Individual Attention

Although basketball is undeniably a team sport; Private Training allows individuals to work on their weaknesses while developing and improving strengths.  During and/or after rehabilitation, Personal Training allows individuals to get their skills and confidence back at their own pace.  Players have unique characteristics, skill sets and athletic abilities.  One-on-one training allows each individual to work at their own speed and learning curve; equaling faster results.

Personalised Workouts

The trainers at Point Blank Period will evaluate your current skill level, asses your strength/weaknesses, develop a personalised practice plan and continually push players to improve.  Customising workouts squeezes the most out of training by addressing the needs and wants of each individual.

Quality Repetition

Private trainers can focus on fundamentals, footwork, proper form, core balance and other essential basketball techniques which differentiates good, quality repetitions, from bad.  Your Trainer will always make sure that each drill is being executed properly so players benefit the most from each workout.

Quantity Repetition

Personal Training allows for 100% individual participation; making high repetition, in a short time frame, possible.  Players are given the opportunity to learn, develop and improve individual skills that are needed to succeed on the team level.

One-on-One Insight

Coach Sparrow’s and Point Blank Period’s Training Program is best described as a guiding relationship and a purpose-driven process for improvement.  Point Blank Period trainers don’t just workout players, they solve problems and offer solutions that get results. They develop a personal relationship with the player as a mentor who will help guide them through their basketball career.  They are able to develop a trust and rapport with our players which encourages question asking and strives for understanding.  Coach Sparrow promotes self-confidence and leadership in various forms; along with giving away tips and “tricks of the trade. Coach Sparrow will be running  2 camps during the July School holidays

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